Friday 26 October 2012

Derren Brown: Apocalypse Preview

The end of the world is almost upon us...or at least for one unsuspecting bloke anyway and with just two months to go before the world...*cough*...really ends then I suppose it's very pertinent then eh? If Hollywood films haven't sated your appetite of the coming 2012 Apocalypse well maybe this might, so tune in you must. In perhaps his most audacious project to date, Derren will convince one man that a meteorite has crashed into the planet reducing the landscape to rubble and ruin which is certainly very evident from the impressive trailers. If that wasn't enough, the meteorite carries with it a deadly virus that turns the surviving denizens into mindless zombies who are all that remain. Sound familiar? Well to Derren this kind of grand mind-screw is nothing new to him, though he's never attempted anything this downright daring and barmy before. He may have been able to program someone to assassinate Stephen Fry and force an innocent man to confess to a murder he didn't even commit but can he convince someone the world has actually ended?! This is what we all find out tonight so make sure your eyes are fixed to Channel 4 at 9 o'clock tonight in the first of the two-part special. How convincing can you recreate the apocalypse on just a television budget? Well this I imagine will be answered too, it's certainly nothing short of ambitious.

Derren's rather unfortunate subject this time is a guy called Steven who is perceived as this really complacent guy who lives his life in a similar fashion. Someone who takes life for granted like many of us do, that suffers from that "lazy sense of entitlement" as Derren put it in a recent interview. He is about to be thrust into a extreme situation where he is forced to act and it's in these situations where we dig deeper for our inner humanity. Will it compel him to change the way he lives his life? I know it certainly would for me if I was convinced that the world had ended, well wouldn't it anyone right? Like I said, I will be giving my full, in-depth analysis of it sometime tonight or at the very latest tomorrow.

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